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Music Works for Veterans

"Music & Creativity; Instruments for Healing."

Veterans benefit from MW4V Project when they participate in our Music Night programs where our Team of musicians encourage them participate in the creative process of making music. This benefits Veterans as they work toward healing & recovery because it allows them to express themselves in a creative and fun way, in a safe and friendly environment. The sharing of personal experiences is welcomed and it is not uncommon that original songs are derived from this. The enjoyment an individual can get from this may very well open the door to newfound happiness for our Veterans who are struggling in their own healing & recovery. No prior musical experience required.


We want to make our mission "Music & Creativity; Instruments for Healing." more accessible for our Veterans. You can help out by following our activities, sharing announcements, making referrals, attending events, volunteering, donating instruments and making monetary contributions through PayPal at             Keep up to date with MW4V at


LISTEN - DOWNLOAD - DONATE  and support this MusicWorks4Veterans Project. THANK YOU!

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